This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Click download or read online button to get the physics of semiconductors book now. The physics of semiconductors provides material for a comprehensive upperlevelundergrauate and graduate course on the subject, guiding readers to the point where they can choose a special topic and. Also supplied are explicit formulas for many results, to support better understanding.
The physics of semiconductors contains ample material for a comprehensive upperlevel undergraduate or beginning graduate course, guiding readers to the point where they can choose a. An introduction including nanophysics and applications marius grundmann the 3rd edition of this successful textbook contains ample material for a comprehensive upperlevel undergraduate or beginning graduate course, guiding readers to the point where they can choose a special topic and begin supervised research. Dimensional systems code 71598 instruction language german or english ects credits 6 credit hours 6. The physics of semiconductors requires little or no prior knowledge of solidstate physics and evolved from a highy regarded twosemester course at the university of leipzig. The physics of semiconductors an introduction including. However, if you are looking for a broad survey of modern areas of interest in semiconductor physics and technology, with lots of wellchosen figures and diagrams, this is a fine book. Transparent conductive oxide semiconductors springer for. Typical materials in the class of transparent conductive oxides are mentioned. Zalerts allow you to be notified by email about the availability of new books according to your search query. Marius grundmann the physics of semiconductors an introduction including devices and nanophysics with 587 figures, 6 in color, and 36 tables springer. Graduate texts in physics series by marius grundmann.
The physics of semiconductors download ebook pdf, epub. Their physical properties and the limits of conductivity versus transparency are discussed. In the third edition several topics are extended and treated in more depth including surfaces, disordered materials, amorphous semiconductors, polarons, thermopower and noise. The text derives explicit formulas for many results to support better understanding of the topics. The physics of semiconductors contains ample material for a comprehensive upperlevel undergraduate or beginning graduate course, guiding readers to the point where they can choose a special topic and begin supervised research.
An introduction including nanophysics and applications 2nd ed. A search query can be a title of the book, a name of the author, isbn or anything else. An introduction including device and nanophysics, springer 2006, isbn 354025370x. An introduction including nanophysics and applications marius grundmann auth. The physics of semiconductors requires little or no prior knowledge of solidstate physics and evolved from a highly regarded twosemester course. If you want indepth discussions, you will likely be disappointed.
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